Malcolm Harbour MEP

Conservative Party member of the European Parliament for the West Midlands constituency


Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation has had numerous amendments put forward by Mr. Harbour that appear to have been directly lifted from lobby recommendations from large corporations. According to, over 25% of amendments put forward by Mr. Harbour have been directly copied from recommendations from organisations such as the American Chamber of Commerce and corporations such as Amazon and eBay. Mr Harbour claims that he has "disputed" the 25% figure and has stated;

"I do not believe we should immediately discount proposed amendments when they come from businesses that make use of and are responsible for protecting personal data. I will continue to consider all amendments on the basis of their merits in making the proposal more workable."

Other MEPs considered to have put forward a high number of copied amendments are Sajjad Karim MEP and Giles Chichester MEP.

Sound Copyright

In replies to User:Avantman42 about the EU plan to extend copyright protection of sound recordings, he used the Price Waterhouse report to justify backing the move.

Software Patents

According to Wikipedia, he is for software patents, and favours permitting Program Claims. Within the European Parliament, he is associated with the Campaign for Creativity, a pro-software patent lobbyist group, in part because of unsolicited email sent from his address on behalf of that group.
