There are no meetups planned in the near future - if you know of one, please add it.
In the meantime, why not get involved some other way:
- Contribute to the Wiki, building a database of knowledge to help both our campaigns and the public - see Editing the Wiki for help.
- Volunteer with the Open Rights Group, helping us campaign on issues you care about.
- Join; our activities are entirely funded by individuals who care about digital rights. Your donations make our work possible.
- Sign Up to one of our mailing lists, so we can let you know what we're working on and how you can help out.
- Edit and help write our internal research projects to improve the free coverage of open rights issues.
- Help us reply to public consultations so the government takes into account your views
- We need volunteers to edit the Orgzine, a digital rights magazine.
- Help us expose websites that have been wrongly blocked by ISP's by using the Blocked.org.uk tool