ORG-tech-vols IRC meeting log 2014 01 30
(19:30:05) graphiclunarkid: Right then - shall we make a start?
(19:30:18) graphiclunarkid: I'm hoping we can make this shorter than last week - unless the discussion is so awesome we all want to continue of course!
(19:30:27) graphiclunarkid: As before, the purpose of the meeting is twofold:
(19:30:33) graphiclunarkid: To hear what people have done on the project since the last meeting, and;
(19:30:40) graphiclunarkid: For people to say what they're going to do by the next meeting.
(19:30:45) RevK: There may be pictures - paul?
(19:31:00) graphiclunarkid: Ooh, shiny :)
(19:31:11) graphiclunarkid: We have a task list here: - I'm hoping lots of these will start springing up on GitHub as issues this week though!
(19:31:21) Korikisulda: Shiny pictures are all the awesomes
(19:31:43) graphiclunarkid: So who's here? Please yell up if you've got some progress to report :)
(19:32:17) Allll: hi, not much on front end - made a couple of minor tweaks to existing site, and still thining up ideas for design of site
(19:32:30) RevK: I am not really here - I am expecting both Alex and Paul from A&A to be contributing or at least watching. They have been busy on this.
(19:33:15) graphiclunarkid: Alex emailed the list earlier to say what you folks have been up to. I will try to summarise if they're not around for people who didn't see it.
(19:33:31) graphiclunarkid: Allll: Cool! I totally didn't notice you'd updated :)
(19:34:10) graphiclunarkid: (You'd think with all this talk I'd have actually visited the project website sometime!)
(19:34:23) Allll: :D
(19:34:38) Allll: was only very minor tweak to form
(19:35:05) graphiclunarkid: Hopefully a valuable one though - it'll be interesting to see what kind of stories people tell us now there's a way for them to do so.
(19:35:40) dantheta1: Hi - filled out most of a python client library for the API, but am waiting on an updated spec with the HMAC stuff in.
(19:36:02) Allll: yeah, do let me know if there's anything that comes up in feedback that we can take into account when doing the new site
(19:36:29) Korikisulda: I did start on a Java library. Nothing really in it yet though. I want the new API to test against before I try anything.
(19:36:30) plett: Hello
(19:36:32) graphiclunarkid: dantheta1: Great :)
(19:36:41) graphiclunarkid: plett: Hi!
(19:36:47) RevK: yay!
(19:36:55) plett: Sorry I'm a bit late, I was packing a bag for FOSDEM
(19:37:02) jimkillock left the room (quit: Quit: jimkillock).
(19:37:09) RevK: Have fun at FOSDEM
(19:37:14) graphiclunarkid: dantheta1: If you want to put up what you've got so far so that other people can see and help out, drop me a line, and I'll create you a repo on our github.
(19:37:20) graphiclunarkid: dantheta1: I have the power now!!!1
(19:37:39) dantheta1: graphiclunarkid: Cool!
(19:37:41) graphiclunarkid: plett: I really wanted to get to FOSDEM after vasilis mentioned it to me. Sadly too short notice this time :(
(19:37:46) RevK: FYI, A&A is trying to wind up Baroness Howe who chose to pick on us in the Lords, but I am not sure that helps with this project much.
(19:38:04) graphiclunarkid: RevK: Personally speaking, I heartily approve :)
(19:38:11) _guy: unrelated, but... not sure who runs the wiki, but there's a reported remote code exec in mediawiki
(19:38:11) Korikisulda: I second this!
(19:38:16) RevK: Carried
(19:38:52) plett: _guy: This one?
(19:38:55) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: Nice work on the Java library. Are you talking to NetworkString about that at all? The Android client is Java, of course.
(19:39:10) Korikisulda: Ofc. I'd prefer just to reimplement it
(19:39:30) _guy: plett: ja
(19:39:31) Korikisulda: The android version uses deprecated classes
(19:39:36) graphiclunarkid: _guy: Lee at ORG looks after the wiki. I'll mention it to him if I get a chance.
(19:40:01) Korikisulda: But I will need to remember to poke NetworkString a bit and ask him what he thinks
(19:40:37) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: Fair enough. Same applies if you need a github repo for it. I think I remember seeing you committing somewhere but no idea if you can create them!
(19:40:55) _guy: graphiclunarkid: cool. if he needs a hand, happy to help!
(19:41:05) Korikisulda: 'Tis here:
(19:41:13) Korikisulda: There's basically nothing in it though
(19:41:39) graphiclunarkid: Allll: Yes, will do. I'll ask the ORG staff to highlight any particularly juicy tales or feedback for us.
(19:41:44) RevK: We are steting up lines and VMs for this, to run these probes. Are we talking about doing anything else with them? Specific ORG published data or just the OONI stuff?
(19:41:53) graphiclunarkid: _guy: Thanks :)
(19:42:18) Korikisulda: The Android probe seems to actually report to both
(19:42:24) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: Nice name ;)
(19:42:25) Korikisulda: OONI and our backend
(19:42:27) RevK: The kit will allow various uses. We intend to monitor packet loss, latency and stuff as well, for our use. But we'll also look at "ways around the blocks" to publish I expect.
(19:42:46) Korikisulda: Thanks :D
(19:43:38) graphiclunarkid: RevK: That's an interesting idea! I think there's a thread to this project to do with technical analysis of censorship methods so it would follow that if we know how it's being done we can help people circumvent...
(19:44:51) graphiclunarkid: RevK: I think we're just planning to run OONI probes on the VMs for now. First step, anyway.
(19:45:03) graphiclunarkid: I've been up to a few things this week:
(19:45:05) RevK: There are people selling USB sticks with TOR+flash on to bypass these, and we may test that such means do work as advertised.
(19:45:11) plett: Alex sent an email to the tech vols list this morning, but to recap here - since the last IRC meeting A&A have bought the various bits of hardware we'll need to run the VMs etc, and priced up what phone lines and DSL packages we are going to need. The next step once all the hardware is in place is to hit go and order services from various ISPs
(19:45:14) graphiclunarkid: I installed the android probe and reported a bunch of crashes via the Android store ;-)
(19:45:14) RevK: Yes, first step OONI
(19:45:53) Korikisulda: I'm sure NetworkString will appreciate it ^.^
(19:46:23) RevK: Some discussion on risk of police visit if something goes after child abuse images, but I think low risk. My house is likey to be one "install" site even if a simple VLAN back to office and VMs
(19:46:39) graphiclunarkid: plett: Sounds like you're making great progress! I'm excited to see what our OONI experts can get going on those lines and what we start to find out!
(19:46:42) RevK: And I am happy to blog that to hell if I ever get a visit.
(19:47:03) Korikisulda: Point the finger at the IWF. It's their fault for not letting us check.
(19:47:15) RevK: These will be pretty must dedicated lines, i.e. no "real user" playing on them as well. So save to screen scrape changes of settings and so on
(19:47:22) graphiclunarkid: Indeed. I think Korikisulda established earlier today that there's no way of vetting URLs against the IWF watch-list.
(19:47:26) graphiclunarkid: Officially, that is.
(19:47:27) RevK: Plan is you guys can have login details to change parental control settings
(19:48:22) RevK: The kits will not store what it downloads anyway, and we are also an ISP "mere conduit", but we may possibly order lines in the name of "Thrall Horde", my alter ego, just for the hell of it.
(19:48:25) graphiclunarkid: RevK: A blog from The Reverend would be a definite silver lining to that unfortunate happenstance (which we'll continue to hope won't occur!)
(19:48:39) graphiclunarkid: (the fuzz turning up, I mean)
(19:48:44) RevK: yeh
(19:49:11) graphiclunarkid: Does anyone have any research on the pornography-viewing habits of orcs?
(19:49:14) graphiclunarkid: Wait, forget I asked that....
(19:49:21) RevK: At my house, even my main PC has home-dir remote mounted, so will have nothing on it if siezed, not that I have anything to hide
(19:49:23) Korikisulda: Research?
(19:49:34) RevK: LOL
(19:49:48) Korikisulda: Well, I'm sure we could conduct this
(19:49:57) graphiclunarkid: This week I also raised feature-requests to add multi-interface support to the OONI probe: and
(19:50:05) RevK: The best you get is gnomes with underwear on if you have
(19:50:38) graphiclunarkid: *chortle!*
(19:51:04) graphiclunarkid: You may have noticed I've also started pulling the github strings to create repositories and add people to projects:
(19:51:12) graphiclunarkid: Please start raising issues! Please make pull requests!
(19:51:28) graphiclunarkid: I also talked to Matthew Rowe at Lancaster University about a bid for funding under the Catalyst project.
(19:51:59) graphiclunarkid: The deadline is tomorrow. I'll post ORG's bid somewhere you can read it as soon as I can.
(19:52:18) graphiclunarkid: If we receive the money it will go on paying ORG staff (including me one day per week!) to help with community and project management.
(19:52:28) graphiclunarkid: It will also go on equipment, servers, hosting and other expenses for the project.
(19:52:39) graphiclunarkid: Lastly, we've put in a bid for some funds to pay for professional web-design, as we think making a first-rate impression in this regard will pay dividends in increased exposure and public adoption.
(19:52:56) graphiclunarkid: Alongside all the awesome design contributions from the team, of course :)
(19:53:40) graphiclunarkid: (I'll make sure details of how all this will work get debated on the mailing list for this and any other funding we may apply for or get)
(19:53:56) ***graphiclunarkid ends wall of text!
(19:55:45) graphiclunarkid: Does anyone else have any more good news to report?
(19:56:08) Korikisulda: The Daily Mail hasn't noticed us yet.
(19:56:30) Allll: ORG is probably blocked by their filters!
(19:56:31) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: LOL! Though that might change if A&A are being mentioned at the dispatch box!
(19:56:42) graphiclunarkid: LOL!
(19:57:06) graphiclunarkid: Did everyone see Sky's spectacular fail involving blocking the JQuery CDN, by the way?
(19:57:09) Korikisulda: We shall defeat censorship through teh lulz!
(19:57:13) Korikisulda: I heard about that, yeah
(19:57:41) Korikisulda: Apparently the page you needed to use to report it relied on jquery as well?
(19:57:43) graphiclunarkid: So funny. They managed to censor their own "report a problem with this censorship page" feature!
(19:57:52) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: exactly!
(19:57:57) ***graphiclunarkid falls off chair laughing
(19:58:12) graphiclunarkid: You really couldn't make this stuff up :D
(19:58:19) Korikisulda: Which is why it's so epic
(19:58:29) Korikisulda: But Claire Perry's site isn't blocked
(19:58:32) Korikisulda: Clearly this is a mistake
(19:59:02) graphiclunarkid: Someone should just block Claire Perry. How long 'till the next election again?
(19:59:13) Korikisulda: Too long
(19:59:17) graphiclunarkid: Indeed.
(19:59:18) graphiclunarkid: So.
(19:59:22) graphiclunarkid: We have a task list here:
(19:59:30) graphiclunarkid: And there's loads to do besides.
(19:59:38) graphiclunarkid: Next week I want to:
(20:00:12) graphiclunarkid: Kick off a discussion to refine this project's mission, opportunities, areas of collaboration and skills required. On the mailing list. So that when people stumble across us they can see at a glance what we're all about & get involved easily.
(20:00:37) graphiclunarkid: I will also produce a diagram of our initial use-case for discussion and post this to the wiki.
(20:00:46) graphiclunarkid: (I know I said that last week - it's been a busy week!)
(20:01:08) graphiclunarkid: What are all you lovely folk planning to sink your teeth into?
(20:01:19) Korikisulda: Java. Only bit I really can do ;)
(20:01:24) graphiclunarkid: (And is there anything I can do to help?)
(20:01:49) Korikisulda: It'd be nice if someone got the next version of the API up and running
(20:02:01) dantheta1: Python, and maybe Middleware, if NetworkString needs a hand.
(20:02:33) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda dantheta1: Yeah, the API stuff would really benefit from a push this week, if that's something you can help out with!
(20:03:02) dantheta1: (I do PHP as well, but I wouldn't want to be treading on NetworkString's toes if they already have it in hand)
(20:04:00) Korikisulda: We need to ask him where he is, I suppose
(20:04:03) jimkillock_ [] entered the room.
(20:04:14) graphiclunarkid: dantheta1: Maybe kick off a thread on the mailing list asking how you can help out? That way NetworkString can fill oyu in on where they're at and others will see how to contribute too.
(20:04:28) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: Yeah - it'd be useful to find out.
(20:04:41) graphiclunarkid: Equally - I'm sure pull requests against the middleware repo will be gladly accepted!
(20:04:48) jimkillock_: Hi there, sorry I'm a bit late
(20:04:56) graphiclunarkid: Hey jimkillock_ :)
(20:05:04) graphiclunarkid: It's OK - we have logs ;)
(20:05:11) jimkillock_: indeed :)
(20:06:09) dantheta1: Yep, definitely can do.
(20:06:10) graphiclunarkid: I'm also hoping we'll get something into the repo this week so that Allll, _46bit and others on the web team can get cracking.
(20:06:47) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_ and I have spoken to a couple of MODx gurus about the details - but it's fair to say I'm still confused!
(20:06:51) graphiclunarkid: (Easily done, I know).
(20:06:59) graphiclunarkid: dantheta1: Nice one, cheers.
(20:08:33) jimkillock_: graphiclunarkid: I can see why tho.
(20:09:21) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_: I'll be less confused once someone has explained to me how all the bits fit together. At the moment my imagination is running riot...
(20:09:59) graphiclunarkid: Oh, forgot to mention. These folks got in touch. Possible room for collaboration with another project :)
(20:10:28) graphiclunarkid: Better link:
(20:10:30) jimkillock_: Maybe we should schedule a basic run thru with you and / or other webdevs, with staging or similar in front of us
(20:11:15) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Allll, _46bit, would a MODx 101 session be useful?
(20:11:46) jimkillock_: (Be helpful also if we could get Ian along)
(20:12:01) Allll: possibly, it seems to make sense now, just took me a while to figure out where everything was.
(20:12:14) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_: Indeed. Perhaps we should doodle-poll the list to see who's interested and when they'd be available.
(20:12:27) jimkillock_: Allll: have you tried an install then?
(20:13:27) Allll: oh not an install, thought you meant about editing
(20:13:34) jimkillock_: Ah right
(20:14:07) Allll: Never tried an install, if there's a staging area I'm happy to read the docs and have a crack at it
(20:14:18) jimkillock_: What I could do is show how custom php, css, html and other bits fit together
(20:14:27) jimkillock_: There is a staging
(20:14:47) jimkillock_: Needs syncing (urgently!)
(20:15:21) graphiclunarkid: hellais: Did you see the feature-requests I submitted to the OONI-probe repo?
(20:15:25) Allll: a quick run through may be handy, I was planning to get the design gdone and coded in static HTML then try to plug it into modx probably wouldn't need to go over it for a week or two
(20:15:37) jimkillock_: ok
(20:16:44) graphiclunarkid: Allll: If you want to raise a pull-request against the repo when you're ready to share I can merge it in and make you a contributor.
(20:17:14) Allll: cool
(20:17:28) graphiclunarkid: Allll: Doesn't matter if it's not production ready or we switch in other stuff later - but I'm keen to get visible code in front of eyeballs and kickstart the dev :)
(20:17:41) graphiclunarkid: As I imagine most of us are!
(20:17:59) Allll: ok
(20:19:15) Allll: If anyone has any ideas for the design then post it on the mailing list, I'm trying to think of some kind of photo that would sum up the censorship without being too cheesy
(20:19:44) Korikisulda: Exploding world?
(20:19:46) Allll: OIf I can't do that I'll just keep it fairly clean without any pics
(20:20:16) Allll: explosions would probably get censored as extremist materials :(
(20:21:16) Korikisulda: Hmm
(20:21:17) Allll: I was thinking of someone with their mouth covered/gagged - it's a little predicatable but could be effective
(20:21:36) Korikisulda: It's the obvious one, yeah
(20:21:37) jimkillock_: Allll: do you have a portfolio or examples so we can get a sense of what you can do?
(20:21:57) Allll: - I did about half the stuff in the portfolio
(20:22:16) graphiclunarkid: Allll: My feeling is that we might go through a bunch of different ideas for presentation - so feel free to experiment on staging and we can discuss on the mailing list.
(20:22:19) Allll: There's no particular style I try to keep sites as unique as possible
(20:22:33) Allll: cool
(20:22:43) graphiclunarkid: Allll: I liked the structure you put into the wireframes, and though the team will no doubt refine those too as we go along, maybe the structure would be a good place to start?
(20:23:14) jimkillock_: Thanks!
(20:23:16) graphiclunarkid: Then we can paint stuff on top of that and see what it looks like...
(20:23:20) Allll: If you'd prefer code first then design I'm happy to work that way round
(20:23:32) jimkillock_: Not a very usual way :)
(20:23:37) graphiclunarkid: Just a suggestion. Probably because I'm the world's most hopless designer!
(20:23:41) Allll: keeps it interesting I guess
(20:23:42) graphiclunarkid: *hopeless
(20:23:52) graphiclunarkid: (I am also hopless. No beer here... honest!)
(20:24:09) Allll: these are the sort of images you tend to find with censorship articles
(20:24:10) Allll:
(20:24:13) ***graphiclunarkid defers to the web designers in the room!
(20:24:15) jimkillock_: One thing I did think with the wireframes, potentially we are implying some fairly complex backend
(20:24:25) jimkillock_: where's the link?
(20:24:27) _46bit: Hi
(20:24:35) _46bit: graphiclunarkid: A
(20:24:52) Allll: yeah, if any of the devs don't like the look of anything or reckon any aspect should be added later let me know
(20:25:08) Allll: which link?
(20:25:17) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_: To the wireframes?
(20:25:20) _46bit: graphiclunarkid: oops. ModX session might help but I know PHP so can puzzle it out
(20:25:21) jimkillock_: Yes
(20:25:38) Allll: I can post it here, it was in mailing list
(20:25:43) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_:
(20:26:27) jimkillock_: Thanks!
(20:26:28) graphiclunarkid: _46bit: Cool :) We'll probably chuck the suggestion onto the list and see who bites.
(20:26:41) jimkillock_: So it seems to me that p2, you're asking questions of the middleware
(20:26:42) ***graphiclunarkid is a PHP n00b
(20:26:51) jimkillock_: (on the right hand side)
(20:27:09) jimkillock_: "Previous Results for"
(20:27:40) Korikisulda: And if we can have pretty graphs too. Pretty graphs would be nice.
(20:27:44) jimkillock_: That's the only bit that sticks out to me
(20:27:48) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_: I like that being there - but I wondered (on the list) whether the feature should wait until after the first release.
(20:28:19) jimkillock_: Yes, at the moment it seems to me that the front end isn't necessarily connected to the middleware
(20:28:29) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: Always :) (though maybe not Minimum Viable Product material!)
(20:28:32) jimkillock_: except by the API submissions
(20:28:43) Allll: for the previous results, I can leave that out for the moment, I'm not sure how best to work that
(20:29:07) Allll: Is the backend going to be on the same server as the ModX install?
(20:29:28) jimkillock_: Allll: currently they aren't, but they could be
(20:29:32) graphiclunarkid: Allll: My feeling is no. It will probably be on one of the ORG VPSs hosted by Bytemark.
(20:29:38) Allll: If on the same server I'm happy to pull it out of a database and display it
(20:29:40) graphiclunarkid: Not sure where ORG hosts its MODx instance.
(20:29:43) jimkillock_: this is for you folks to work out
(20:29:52) jimkillock_: data can be moved around :)
(20:29:59) graphiclunarkid: Indeed :)
(20:30:12) Allll: ok, guess there's probably some jquery chart plugin that can pull data from an API
(20:30:17) jimkillock_: Yes, our web servers are at Bytemark on a machine
(20:30:22) graphiclunarkid: ^^That feeling is based on my sketchy understanding of where everything is hosted currently.
(20:30:41) jimkillock_: then the other bits are currently on Bytemark vservers
(20:30:46) ***graphiclunarkid really needs to draw up an architecture diagram so that people who know things can correct my understanding!
(20:30:55) jimkillock_: These are controlled by Gareth and Vasilis
(20:31:20) jimkillock_: I like the wireframes, they make sense
(20:31:29) jimkillock_: design-wise, I think we should give you a brief
(20:31:43) jimkillock_: I would be inclined to be quite clean and html based
(20:31:59) Allll: If you have anything that would constitute a brief that would be great
(20:32:00) jimkillock_: not worry about censorship graphics too much
(20:32:14) Allll: ok, will help keep file size down too :)
(20:32:29) jimkillock_: mostly it should convey: here is a really useful resource
(20:32:41) jimkillock_: something you can rely on that is trying to help you
(20:32:59) jimkillock_: graphics could come in with user stories
(20:33:18) jimkillock_: maybe warnings around "Is your site blocked?"
(20:33:21) Allll: would be nice to have photos for those, but I'm thinking that's not too likely?
(20:33:38) Allll: ^^user stories that is
(20:33:39) jimkillock_: Gravatars?
(20:33:45) vasilis [~vasilis@gateway/tor-sasl/vasilis] entered the room.
(20:33:49) graphiclunarkid: Without stopping the discussion, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for turning out tonight, and thanks also for the work everyone's done this week.
(20:33:52) jimkillock_: Plus screen grabs?
(20:33:55) graphiclunarkid: Our next IRC meeting will be 19:30 on Friday 7 February in this channel.
(20:33:59) graphiclunarkid: Hope you can make it :-)
(20:34:04) ***graphiclunarkid returns you to your scheduled programming of web design discussion.
(20:34:16) Allll: possibly, or just a photo - if you end up contacting the people with the most powerful stories you could always ask it would give the stories a lot more impact
(20:34:19) ***graphiclunarkid waves to vasilis - sorry I timed that announcement badly!
(20:34:27) jimkillock_: Allll: yes
(20:34:51) vasilis: Hi graphiclunarkid
(20:34:53) vasilis: Hi all
(20:34:54) jimkillock_: Allll: I'll knock up a web brief
(20:35:01) Allll: ok, brilliant
(20:35:29) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_: There's already a bunch of material on the wiki that could help with the brief.
(20:35:34) graphiclunarkid: From the meeting at Mozilla
(20:35:35) jimkillock_: Great
(20:35:41) graphiclunarkid: (Same link as I just gave you for the wireframes)
(20:35:47) jimkillock_: ta
(20:36:03) graphiclunarkid: Maybe we could massage that page into more of a brief-like structure?
(20:36:34) ***graphiclunarkid hopes our briefs don't get censored...
(20:36:35) Allll: It doesn't need tobe too detailed by if there are any requirements or ideas that will be fine
(20:37:11) graphiclunarkid: That link again:
(20:37:38) Korikisulda: Funnily enough, the meetup page happened to be censored on T-mobile
(20:37:39) graphiclunarkid: Vasilis: I was wondering whether you saw the issues I raised against the upstream ooni-probe on github?
(20:37:49) graphiclunarkid: Korikisulda: Really? #FAIL!
(20:38:04) graphiclunarkid: We can't have minors meeting each other - they might learn things or make friends!
(20:38:10) Korikisulda: Indeed
(20:38:15) Korikisulda: How terrible and evil
(20:38:24) jimkillock_: graphiclunarkid: Allll: ok, will put the brief onto the wiki
(20:38:25) vasilis: graphiclunarkid: Sorry not really
(20:38:49) graphiclunarkid: vasilis: No worries. Just wondered if I was anywhere near the right ball park!
(20:39:00) Allll: cool
(20:39:04) graphiclunarkid: vasilis: They're here: and
(20:39:16) graphiclunarkid: jimkillock_: Nice one :)
(20:39:21) vasilis: I'm catching up, somehow I was lost in different timezones today :/
(20:40:10) graphiclunarkid: vasilis: Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
(20:40:28) ***graphiclunarkid needs a coffee. BRB.
(20:41:24) vasilis: plett: Are you joining FOSDEM?
(20:41:47) Korikisulda left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
(20:42:07) _46bit: graphiclunarkid: Missed a few of these before: in terms of starting to rebuild, is anyone in particular working on that?
(20:42:20) graphiclunarkid: Back
(20:42:54) plett: vasilis: Yes. I'm getting the Eurostar out tomorrow lunchtime, and coming back on Monday. Are you going to be there?
(20:43:06) vasilis: plett: Yep!
(20:43:23) vasilis: RevK: are you around?
(20:43:55) graphiclunarkid: _46bit: Yes, Allll is contributing to that effort, and jimkillock_ is looking into massaging into a tighter brief for the site. We're going to host the code on github so feel free to pitch in :)
(20:44:27) _46bit: Alright great. When Allll has the base up I can do quite a bit on that
(20:44:33) Allll: :)
(20:44:42) graphiclunarkid: Go web team :)
(20:44:42) jimkillock_: _46bit: what are your skills?
(20:45:23) graphiclunarkid: plett: vasilis: Sounds like an ideal opportunity to discuss the OONI probes on A&A infrastructure at FOSDEM :)
(20:45:43) ***graphiclunarkid wishes he could go to FOSDEM but will miss this year's :(
(20:46:14) _46bit: jimkillock_: Pretty even between frontend and backend. Ruby, PHP, JS and alright at Go and Python.
(20:46:17) vasilis: graphiclunarkid, all We do crawl already with OONI on the VMs....
(20:47:27) jimkillock_: _46bit: thanks :)
(20:47:51) graphiclunarkid: vasilis: Indeed. And soon AAISP will have a server rigged up to a bunch of domestic broadband lines for testing :)
(20:48:35) graphiclunarkid: vasilis: I haven't managed to get an OONI probe running myself yet I'm afraid. Too much else going on. Will get that running at home as soon as I can though.
(20:52:57) ***graphiclunarkid cutting the meeting log here for the wiki