Censorship Monitoring Project Task List

A list of immediate tasks people can work on right now to get our first release working:


  • Raise issues for these tasks against the appropriate repository on our GitHub account where useful (i.e. for code changes)
  • Write a blog post about a particular example of a website blocked in error.
    • Do we have a list of already blocked websites?
      • Task: Extract blocked websites from the mailing list?
      • Task: Provide full headers, or enough data for a reliable tech. report of a specific blocked website?
  • Move use-case information from functional spec page to use cases page on wiki.
  • Top-level description of functional spec for initial development, with diagram, on functional spec page.


  • Add "why this matters to me" text box to existing site - Alex
  • Check box to opt-in to having their story considered for publication.
  • Design site - Alex
  • HTML
  • POST url to API to store submissions in the middleware server's database.
  • Return information we have about status of URL (i.e. no information, % chance blocked on which networks)
  • Add DMOZ category browser to blocked frontend, using information provided by API
  • Devise means of allowing website owners to use the site to request unblocking of their site, and use the system to measure response times.
  • Allow users of filtered ISPs to confirm that a blocked result shown on the site is affecting them
  • Devise means for end users to “verify” a detected block as likely incorrect
    • Question: where do the submissions and verifications get monitored? I suggest a control-panel like function that reports on the new submissions, along with email alerting to an ORG mailbox.


See also the github issues here:

  • Document the API endpoints currently available on the middleware server so that people working on blocked.org.uk know where to send data.
  • Make the middleware push requested URLs into our OONI backend instance's queue of URLs to check. (support for the Middleware has been added directly to a fork of OONIprobe, and a pull request has been sent upstream
  • Make the middleware push requested URLs out to Android probes to check.
  • Update the docs with the HMAC replacement for the current PKI stuff. Daniel
  • Add DMOZ category tree to the API, so that the DMOZ category browser functionality can be merged into the main blocked.org.uk site (#113)
  • Merge internationalization changes from the A19 branch to add ooniprobe support to the blocked.org.uk database
  • Add API functions to gather crowdsources reports of overblocking of sites (#63)
  • Add bulk import and reporting tool (#129)
  • Update vagrant box
  • Begin submitting UK results to OONI

OONI probes

  • Install and use the OONI probe to become familiar with it. - Everyone who can! (Talk:ooni-probe_installations) Vasilis (talk)
  • Investigate how to compile human-readable reports from data returned by OONI probes. (Talk:human-readable_ooni-reports) Vasilis (talk) 00:41, 31 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Raise feature-request ticket for OONI to use different network interfaces for management and testing. DONE Richard (talk) 21:52, 29 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Raise feature-request ticket for OONI to run tests on a number of different network interfaces (each configured differently / connected to different networks) DONE Richard (talk) 21:52, 29 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Pull request submitted to add Middleware queueing to upstream ooni-probe - Daniel, August 2015
  • Continue to work on pull request until accepted.

Android probes

  • Install and use the android probe to become familiar with it. - Everyone who can!