Cloud Privacy Protection Report

The Fighting Cyber Crime and Protecting Privacy in the Cloud Study is a 2012 report written for the European Parliament and issued by the Directorate-General for Internal Policies. One lead author of the report is Caspar Bowden. The report details the threats to privacy posed by storing data in cloud services.

The full report can be accessed here


1) Currently, the risks to data protection and to privacy are underestimated by legislators and this needs to change

2) Data protection offences should be officially recognised as a form of 'cyber crime'

3) In the forthcoming EU Cybersecurity Strategy, the rights of the individual must be considered paramount

4) The 'Safe Harbour' between the EU and the USA should apply to telecommunications common carries

5) Further enquiries should be launched regarding US surveillance of non-US cloud usage

6) Prominent warnings should be sent to individual data subjects regarding EU cloud data being exported to the USA

7) The EU needs an industrial policy on for autonomous capacity in Cloud computing