Andrew Lansley MP
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Andrew Lansley MP (Conservative) MP for South Cambridgeshire. Shadow Secretary of State for Health. Member of EURIM. BA Politics from University of Exeter.
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- Andrew Lansley MP
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- Andrew Lansley MP Conservative Party Profile
- Early Day Motions
- 2008-09-30 - Kable - Tories would decentralise NHS IT
- Summary: An incoming Conservative government would decentralise health service computing and extend competition between suppliers, according to a plan released at its party conference. Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley, says the party will replace "Labour's centrally determined and unresponsive national IT system".
- 2007-12-24 - The Financial Times - Concern over data handling grows in UK
- Author: Jimmy Burns
- Summary: The Department of Health confirmed that nine National Health Service trusts in England and Wales had admitted losing patients' records. The loss, thought to involve data on hundreds of thousands of adults and -children, emerged as part of a government-wide data security review following security breaches in other departments. ... Andrew Lansley, the opposition home affairs spokesman, said the latest loss underlined the case against the government developing centralised data bases. It also raised serious questions over how the planned electronic patients database in the NHS would be able to protect sensitive medical records, he said. "For over two years we have argued for data to be held locally, with networking rather than one central database. The government should accept that this would offer us greater protection," Mr Lansley said.
- 2007-12-24 - The Guardian - Primarolo admits ignorance over data losses by nine NHS trusts
- Author: Patrick Wintour
- Summary: The health minister, Dawn Primarolo does not know exactly what is has been lost by nine NHS trusts. Ministers will be worried that the loss will further undermine confidence in the department's plans for a new computer database of all NHS patients' records. ... The shadow health secretary, Andrew Lansley, said the NHS losses were "further evidence of the government's failure to protect the personal information which we provide". ... The campaign group NO2ID, which opposes ID cards and moves to centralise all NHS records, said: "We are now starting to see the consequences of the government obsession with information 'sharing' and centralised IT in the NHS. If you care about your privacy, then keep your medical records between you and your doctor, and out of the hands of the Department of Health, if you can."
- 2007-12-24 - Conservative Press Release - Yet another data blunder
Author: Andrew Lansley MP
- Summary: Andrew Lansley has described the revelation that nine NHS Trusts lost CDs and memory sticks containing patients' details as "further evidence of the Government's failure to protect the personal information which we provide." The Shadow Health Secretary said this latest blunder put the Government's planned electronic patient database in serious doubt: "We will need further steps on the part of the Department of Health to show how their planned electronic patient's database will protect our medical records." And he proposed that instead of storing patients' records on one central database, they should be held locally instead: "The Government should accept that this would offer us greater protection."
- 2007-12-23 - The Sunday Mirror - 9 trusts lose files
- Author: Vincent Moss and Justin Penrose
- Summary: Hundreds of thousands of Health Service patients' details have gone missing in a new data scandal. Sensitive details about adults and children were lost in 10 incidents at NINE separate NHS Trusts. Health Secretary Alan Johnson's department last night confirmed details - kept on computer discs or memory sticks - had gone missing. But the Department of Health refused to reveal how many patients were involved or the exact nature of the blunders. Cases include the loss of a CD holding 160,000 children's names and addresses by a Trust in East London and the loss of 244 cancer patients' details by the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells health trust in Kent. In one case, in Norfolk and Norwich, medical papers on patients with lung, breast and colon cancer were dumped in a wheelie bin. ... Tory health spokesman Andrew Lansley said: "The Government must ensure everyone who is affected by these breaches is told about them." ... THE TRUSTS: Bolton Royal Hospital, Sutton and Merton, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells (two incidents), Sefton Merseyside, City and Hackney, Mid Essex, East and North Herts, Norfolk and Norwich, Gloucester Partnership Foundation Trust
- 2006-10-09 - The Register - Byrne sprinkles biometric ID pixie dust over immigration 'issue'
- Author: John Lettice
- Summary: ... ID Card Fraudwatch One of the previous justifications for ID cards was the need to combat so-called health tourism. The justification was somewhat undermined by the Government having no reliable figures on the level of this class of fraud, and by those figures that did exist indicating that the cost probably didn't even count as a rounding error in the NHS budget. Well, it turns out that they had the numbers after all. According to FOI figures obtained by Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, treatment valued at £27 million was given to ineligible patients at 106 hospitals last year, and £10 million of that has not been repaid. Whew. If those numbers are reflected across the whole system, the loss to the NHS is (ulp) £20 million, out of an NHS budget of £80 billion plus.