Talk:ORG Press Coverage

From the previous org volunteers meeting, myself (Chris) and Michael offered to keep the publicity pages up to date.


  • We have tentatively come up with a format which will hopefully help improve the information given about each article. Each article will be formatted with a Title, Publication/web site, Date, Author, Summary, Comments and Keywords so that it is easier to gain an overview of useful articles.
  • Fell free to suggest changes and modications to this format. Hopefully this will give more useful information without being too heavyweight for someone to add an article
  • I will shortly reformat a few months worth of articles to give an idea of this new format and see if it works


  • I have also built some feeds that we can use to track ORG coverage on the web. See the links below for a mirror of the info. They are RSS feeds, so if we can add them to the site using a mediawiki plugin then that would be great
  • ORG tracking
  • General open right media tracker
  • They might need a bit of tweaking, so if anyone can suggest other terms to track then give me a shout.