Talk:Censorship Monitoring Project User Stories

Duplicated effort with Censorship Monitoring Project Functional Spec

I am working to move the user-story descriptions on the functional spec page to this page. This is why there's similar content on both pages at the moment. --Richard (talk) 23:48, 1 February 2014 (GMT)

Use-case numbering

I have removed the numbering that was set against some use-cases. This is because mediawiki can't do outline numbering automatically and using manual numbering for this makes it difficult to re-order the list. --Richard (talk) 01:04, 2 February 2014 (GMT)

I have restored the numbering because I realised it's used on the Relish repository for cross-referencing to this page. Sorry for messing that up for a while! --Richard (talk) 23:53, 2 February 2014 (GMT).

User stories for malicious actors

This section is more likely to be for administrators or systems preventing malicious actors from doing things than for malicious actors to be able to do things themselves. --Richard (talk) 13:03, 4 January 2014 (GMT)

Yes, I think these should be covered under appropriate features, rather as User Stories. --RedFred (talk) 18:34, 8 January 2014 (GMT)

As a user I want to use anonymously so that my privacy is preserved.

I think this is more of a non-functional requirement that can be covered under a Privacy feature section, rather than a valid user story, as anonymity isn't the user's ultimate goal but just a desirable side-effect. --RedFred (talk) 18:34, 8 January 2014 (GMT)

As an opponent of the project I want to direct probes to access illegal content so that I can expose the project to legal liability.

Is there a liability if a probe attempts to retrieve illegal content. Should this be checked e.g. against the IW list?
As long it's curl-like test and not human page visits, there should be no legal liability, see paper on this very issue and implementation. --Deku-shrub (talk) 23 December 2013 (GMT)

As an opponent of the project I want to overload the system so that I can cause service to be denied to other users.

A simple queue / threading implementation and captchas could mitigate site overload. Providing raw data dumps in HA webhosts should stop the need for automated users effecting site performance. --Deku-shrub (talk) 23 December 2013 (GMT)

Proposal: move these stories to a non-functional / constraints section instead

I vote we now move these "malicious actor" use-cases to a section describing project constraints and non-functional requirements instead. --Richard (talk) 01:32, 2 February 2014 (GMT)

Use cases about detecting / reporting blocking categories

These are some use-cases and associated notes I moved over from the original Functional Spec page. I think we need to investigate website categorisation by filtering providers to compare different filtering solutions and see whether we can report anything useful about categories / miscategorisation. --Richard (talk) 01:30, 2 February 2014 (GMT)

SAY: This site is blocked on ISP-X, and the ISP 'said' nothing | because it is categorised as ...

SAY: I think this site is blocked incorrectly on ISP-X, please ASK them to re-categorise the site and fix it, TELL me what the outcome was, let me SAY if I agree, ASK again if I want to take this further

ISPs do not provide feedback about individual blocking incidents by policy. --Deku-shrub (talk) 23 December 2013 (GMT)

ASK Is this site blocked by any/all ISPs, ASK has this changed, what is the history of the site:ISP tuple

I don't believe there is a source of truth on this due to technical errors implementing every global block type, see List of websites blocked in the United Kingdom. --Deku-shrub (talk) 23 December 2013 (GMT)

ASK: What categories of sites do ISPs block

Invalid, even the BBFC doesn't specify discrete central categorization data. --Deku-shrub (talk) 23 December 2013 (GMT)

ASK: What categories of sites does ISP-X block

Best data on the subject written up on Internet censorship in the United Kingdom - Default blocking of content by Internet Service Providers. --Deku-shrub (talk) 23 December 2013 (GMT)

ASK: What sites have you tested in category-Y for ISP-X

Category classification data is hidden on all ISPs, this is not going to be possible IMO. --Deku-shrub (talk) 23 December 2013 (GMT)