Talk:Censorship Monitoring Project Strategic Plan

On this page I've tried to distil the essence of the censorship monitoring project into a strategic plan. Anyone who's read Jono Bacon's book "The Art of Community" might recognise the format. I've used excerpts from the book here under its Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

Please discuss changes to this document here or on the mailing list and merge in any changes on which we have reached a consensus.


A single sentence that communicates all the key aims of the project. This is the project's "elevator pitch."


This is where we identify all the exciting opportunities that are possible if we achieve the goals of the project. We're looking for high-level, essential goals here.

<46bit> I feel a goal should be to try and stop the providers from so happily rolling over without legislation, since it denies a very important public debate that we're having to try and kickstart. Ideas welcome on how to convey this in the document.
I guess one way we're doing this indirectly is by putting public pressure on ISPs and the Government to provide redress for website owners and to correct mistakes. Perhaps a long-term goal could be to use the data we gather to lobby the Government to enhance protections for freedom of expression and access to information as a human right? --Richard (talk) 22:53, 2 February 2014 (GMT)

Areas of collaboration

Areas in which the community can work together on a task. Some tasks on the project either cannot or will not be collaborative, for example, administrating infrastructure facilities for the community, so these shouldn't be included.

Skills required

The skills that need to be represented in our community in order to achieve the project mission.