Talk:Alistair Darling MP

Dear Alistair MP , I've have an idea to help in the problems this or indeed any government overcome the present political crisis over fuel tax.Unlike the Tories who want reduce tax when times are bad and increase it when times are good, I do not believe this. Equally I do not believe in just reducing the tax just to win votes.

The answer is simple, you reduce the fuel tax by 20% which begs the question how do you claim it back through the public who will actually praise you for your caring environmental concern. Easy all you do is bring in the 10p PLASTIC tax on all manufactured products sold or exported / imported from or to the UK regardless of size, cost or quantity.

Any product which contains plastic is eligable. Manufacturers will be encouraged to use alternative materials and even it might just bring back 10p on all glass bottles for instance. Yous Sincerely, ZERO TOLERANCE .com
