Rob Marris MP
Rob Marris MP (Labour) former MP for Wolverhampton South West. Attended LUG Radio Live 2007, and said he might try out a copy of Ubuntu. Backbencher of the Year for 2008 as voted on by MP's from all political parties. [1]
Children's Digital Rights
Signed Early Day Motion 686 biometric data collection in schools 19 January 2007
- That this House is alarmed at the growing practice of schools collecting and storing the biometric details of children as young as three; notes that up to 3,500 schools use biometric software to record the data of approximately three quarters of a million children; shares parents' concerns that children's data, often including photographs and fingerprints, is stored on unregulated data collection systems and potentially insecure school computer networks and could therefore potentially be misused; notes that collecting the data from children under 12 without parental consent directly contravenes the Data Protection Act; believes that no child should have biometric information taken without the express written permission of their parents; further believes that no child should be excluded from school activities where this permission is not forthcoming; welcomes the decision by the Department for Education and Skills to update guidance to local authorities and schools; and calls on the Government to conduct a full and open consultation with stakeholders, including parents and children, on this issue as part of their redrafting process.
- Rob Marris MP Website
- Rob Marris MP
- Rob Marris MP Wikipedia
- Rob Marris MP Early Day Motions