ORG Press Coverage/2011
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- 2011-12-29 - The Guardian - TalkTalk online security system attracts few takers
- Author: Simon Goodley
- Summary: contains a contextual link to ORG blog
- 2011-12-06 - Telegraph - TalkTalk child filter fails to block adult website
- Author: Christopher Williams
- Summary: “Parents are better off making their own ‘whitelist’ of websites that they will allow their children to view,” said Jim Killock of the Open Rights Group.
- 2011-07-29 - Daily Telegraph - Customer outrage over TalkTalk monitoring web use
- Author: Emma Barnett
- 2011-03-31 - BBC News - Government mulls UK net controls
- Summary: The government is talking to ISPs about blocking access to websites deemed to help people infringe copyright. Government, ISPs and content holders, has set up a working group to see how such a pro-active blocking system would work. A spokesman for the government's Department for Culture Media and Sport said it was appropriate that only ISPs, rights holders and web intermediaries such as Google and Yahoo were party to the initial discussions. Jim Killock, exucutive director of ORG is quoted directly, and some of his comments are discussed in several paragraphs.