Julian Brazier MP


Conservative MP for Canterbury (since 1987). Executive Member of 1922 Committee. Co-Chairman of the Parliamentary Ports and Maritime Group. Defence Select Committee.


Pornography Filter

Member of Claire Perry's Independent Parliamentary Inquiry into online child protection.

"“Our Inquiry found that it is currently just too easy for children to access pornography on the internet, as well as websites depicting violence – and even promoting self-harm and anorexia in a good light. Of course, in theory, parents should be responsible for protecting their children online but in practice it is quite difficult to police all devices in a household which give access to the internet, even if you are technically savvy. ISPs should be doing much more give them the information and education that they need to do this and an “opt-in” filter would massively reduce the possibility of children coming across harmful material. The government should act on this.” [1]

Prior Career

Corporate finance and management consulting.


Mathematics at Oxford.


Brought a bill against video violence and is a very strong believer in restricting violence in video, so this may play into his views on censorship and free expression (of which there's not a lot of public information). [2] Also member of socially conservative Cornerstone Group.

Contact Information

Julian Brazier TD MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA; canterbury@tory.org; 01227280277. 




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