Digital Rights Hackday

Defend your digital rights

We need to defend our digital rights! And one of the best ways is to code up tools to show where and how privacy, free speech and technical transgressions are taking place. Transparency is the first way to show what problems exist and how we can deal with them.

Your idea may be about public education. It may be about documenting abuses we already know about. Or it may be about circumventing the problem and reasserting your rights.

There are a myriad of possible things we can do. and the day has no restrictions on what you code or do. The big themes are

  • Free speech;
  • Net neutrality; and
  • Privacy


We're doing a Hackday about digital rights

Themes and tools

Content blocking and filtering tools


  • TOR’s filtering testing tool:
  • ORG’s testing tool via Github?
  • Raspberry Pi model A or B x 10
  • Network access with child filtering settings from ORG

Information sources:

  • Lists of popular websites (available via Ooni)
  • ORG’s list of previously blocked URLs
  • Problems: Ooni doesn’t care if sites are porn or not

Possible services:

  • Register your website with ORG to be checked
  • Report blocks to website owners

Network Neutrality

Testing for traffic shaping tools


Information sources: Traffic shaping policies from major ISPs


Cookie controls, ways to dump cookies, randomise or obfuscate identities Ways to complain to cookie providers or the ICO about cookie policies Ways to block Google Analytics?

Data retention policies, ways to expose what info your ISP or mobile co is gathering


How much data your ISP collects via browser history

How much data your computer gathers

Mobile privacy

We know mobile companies will change resources etc

Checking for SSL? Check that SSL certificates are the same as other people are seeing

Other details