Censorship Monitoring Project DB

Middleware DB Schema

There is a mysql-workbench model of the schema in the cmp-spec repository on github.

User Table

Main users table for the API

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose Unique      Auto Inc     
id int A unique identifier for a user true true
email varchar (128) Users email address true false
password varchar (32) Minimum of salted MD5 hash false false
preference text JSON object of user preferences false false
fullName text The users full name false false
isPublic boolean Whether user wishes to be listed as a participant     false false
countryCode varchar(3) ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 false false
probeHMAC varchar(32) A unique key used as part of a probe uuid process false false
status enum pending / ok / suspended / banned false false
pgpKey (deprecated) text Single key (or another table with a pivot) false false
yubiKey (depcrecated) text JSON object of YubiKey public key elements false false
publicKey (deprecated) text The ORG (server side generated) public key for verifying signed requests false false
createdAt timestamp Date/Time this user account was created false false
administrator tinyint Confers the ability to run restricted API functions false false

Probe Table

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose Unique      Auto Inc     
id int An auto inc id for easy joins true true
uuid varchar (32) An MD5 hash derived from the user HMAC & something on the device (e.g. MAC address) true false
userID int(11) The user who registered this device false false
publicKey text In case we want to authenticate / do PKI false false
type enum rasbpi / android / atlas false false
lastSeen datetime Last time the probe was heard from false false
gcmRegID text The unique string used by Google Cloud Messaging false false
isPublic boolean Whether this probe is subscribed to the "public" url feed or the ORG directly-submitted queue false false
countryCode varchar(3) ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 locate of the probe false false
probeReqSent int(11) Number of probe requests we've sent to the device (may not be accurate for AMQP-driven probes) false false
probeRespRecv    int(11) Number of probe responses we've received from the device false false
enabled boolean Is the probe enabled (admin) false false
frequency int(11) How often to send GCM probes (if enabled) false false
gcmType int(11) Whether this probe supports full GCM, partial GCM or manual polling false false

URLs Table

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose Unique      Auto Inc     
id int A unique identifier for the url true true
url text The full URL false false
md5Hash varchar(32) A safe way of communicating about the URL false false
source enum social, user submitted, canary, alexa false false

lastPolled datetime Last time the URL was dispatched to a probe false false
inserted datetime When the URL was added to the DB false false
polledAttempts int Number of times this URL has been probed (GCM Push / GET) false false
polledSuccess int Number of times a response for this URL has been received false false

Results Table

Contains the result of a probe (probe_id) running a test of a url (url_id)

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose Unique      Auto Inc     
id int Unique Identifier for the result yes yes
urlID int ID of the URL tested false false
probeID int ID of the probe that conducted the test false false
config int The version of the configuration that the probe was running at the time of the test false false
ip_network varchar(16) The IP address of the probe at the time of running the test false false
status varchar(8) Text description of the result: "ok", "blocked", "error", "timeout", "dnserror", "rejected" false false
http_status int HTTP return code for the URL. -1 for errors. false false
network_name varchar(64) Name of the ISP that the test was run against (ref. ISPs table) false false
created datetime Date/Time of the test false false
filter_level varchar(16) Optional level of filtering enabled on the ISP at the time of the test false false

ISPs Table

A list of ISPs that the database is aware of.

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose      Unique      Auto Inc     
id int unsigned Unique Identifier true true
name varchar(64) Name of the ISP true false
created datetime Creation date false false

isp_aliases table

A table that lists the AS / Network names for an ISP. Multiple names can map to a single ISP.

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose Unique      Auto Inc     
id int unsigned Unique Identifier true true
ispID int unsigned ISP Identifier false false
alias varchar(64) Name returned by IP lookup to map to ISP true false
created datetime Date/Time of creation false false


Table used for caching IP <-> network lookups. Results are cached for 7 days

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose Unique      Auto Inc     

ip varchar(128) IP address true true
network varchar(64) Network Name (may be an alias) false false
created datetime Date/Time created false false


Submission info from users for a URL. A URL can be requested by many people over time.

Column Name      Column Type      Purpose Unique      Auto Inc     
id int unsigned Unique Identifier true true
urlID int URL ID number false false
userID int API user account that submitted the request false false
submission_info text Additional serialized data for the request - structure is entirely up to the client. false false
created datetime Date/Time of creation false false

Deprecated Tables

  • queues
  • devices
  • censorlist
  • tempURLs