
'Open Rights Group Aberdeen' or 'ORG Aberdeen' is a Aberdeen-based group for local supporters. It currently does not have a dedicated regular meeting, although the monthly Cryptonoise meeting is supported by ORG Aberdeen.

ORG Aberdeen is organised by local supporters. If you would like to help run events, you can contact the organiser team by emailing aberdeen@openrightsgroup.org.

Join the Mailing List

You can join the mailing list to discuss digital rights issues, ideas for promoting digital rights, and meeting like-minded activists in Aberdeen.

For issues on larger scales, you can also join the ORG Scotland list or the primary ORG discussion list.

Join their MeetUp for event updates


Joining the MeetUp group helps our voluntary organisers gauge how many people to expect and gives you the earliest updates about upcoming events plus the chance to chat with other members after the event. We encourage you join and get involved!

More Details

For more details about activities in Aberdeen, check out the Aberdeen pages on the ORG Wiki.