Laura Moffatt
(Redirected from Laura Moffatt MP)
Laura Moffatt, former Labour MP for Crawley.
Digital Economy Bill
Spoken to by at least one ORG supporter.
Her website mentions surgeries, but doesn't say when they are. Tim asked in a letter for details of surgeries, but her reply did not include any such details. Following an exchange of emails, it seems that you need an appointment to attend a surgery. I can't get more details until I've received the second reply to my first letter. The disclaimer for the emails I received said that "Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted."
Laura Moffatt can be contacted via
Position on the bill
I sent the following message to Laura Moffatt through
- Dear Laura Moffatt,
- I am concerned about the bill that would disconnect people from the Internet after three suspected instances of copyright violations (the Digital Economy Bill).
- I oppose collective punishment. Disconnecting an Internet connection would be a collective punishment unless that Internet connection had only one user. Many Internet connections are shared been users.
- I believe that suspects should be considered (by the law) innocent until proven guilty. The required standard of evidence under this bill is too low. Before people are punished, they should be able to reasonably expect a case to be made against them, not just a complaint.
- I would like you to communicate my concerns to the relevant minister and also tell me when you will next be holding a surgery.
- Yours sincerely,
- Tim Ivorson
I received the following hand-signed reply to my letter:
- Dear Mr Ivorson
- Thank you for writing to me about the Digital Economy Bill. It is important that we create and encourage digital businesses fit for the 21st century.
- There are of course things we need to look at to make sure that the legislation works for everyone. I do also think that flexibility is needed to make sure that the law keeps with [sic - probably meant "keeps up with"] the technology.
- I am happy to write to the relevant minister and will let you know of any progress I make.
- Thank you once again for taking the time to write to me.
- Yours truly,
- Laura Moffatt
- Member of Parliament for Crawley