Julie Kirkbride
(Redirected from Julie Kirkbride MP)
Julie Kirkbride MP (Conservative) former MP for Bromsgrove. Former Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport 2003-04.
She has a degree in Economics & History from Cambridge and a degree in Journalism from University of California, Berkeley. Before enering parliment she worked as a journalist, a TV producer and as Social Affairs Editor for the Sunday Telegraph. First elected in 1997. Married to Andrew MacKay MP.
Digital Economy Bill
Spoken to by at least one ORG supporter.
- appox emailed Kirkbride about his concerns; a personal letter from her regarding the issue was received two days later:
- Thank you very much for your email about the new Digital Economy Bill.
- I have to say that I do believe that this is an important measure and contains within it some really worthwhile measures. At the same time, however, it has some very far reaching implications and some of the proposals do need to be studied in great details to be absolutely sure that we are doing the right thing.
- As such, I am extremely disappointed that the Government have brought this Bill forward at the fag end of Parliament when MPs will not have sufficient time to consider these important measures, when there is a risk that it will be rushed onto the statute books in too greater hurry without thinking through the wider consequences. I can only assure you that I will take a active interest myself in the matter as I do sit on the Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee which is set up to respond to the Department and its plans.
- I will also take to heart some of the issues raised by the article on the internet site to which you drew my attention
(Article she refers to: Britain's new Internet law -- as bad as everyone's been saying, and worse. Much, much worse.)
Internet Censorship
Signed Early Day Motion 820 Real data services, Romford 04 March 2003
- That this House expresses its deep concern at the availability of child pornography on the internet; congratulates the Romford-based internet service provider, Real Data Services, for blocking users from being able to access websites containing child pornography; and further calls upon other internet providers to follow suit, in order to track down the perpetrators of this obscene crime against children.
- Julie Kirkbride MP Web Site
- Julie Kirkbride MP TheyWorkForYou.com
- Julie Kirkbride MP Wikipedia
- Julie Kirkbride MP Conservative Profile