Daniel Rogerson MP
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Daniel Rogerson MP (Liberal Democrat) MP for North Cornwall. Shadow Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage. AKA Dan Rogerson. Degree in politics from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Identity cards
Signed Early Day Motion 263 Identity Cards 06 June 2005
- That this House believes that a convincing case for the introduction of compulsory biometric identity cards and a national database has not been made, that the risks involved far outweigh any discernible benefit, that the introduction of identity cards will fundamentally change the relationship between the citizen and the state, diminish personal privacy and threaten civil liberties, that the present proposals do not provide properly costed, proportionate or effective solutions to the problems they are claimed to solve; and calls upon the Government to shelve plans for their introduction.
Children's Digital Rights
Signed Early Day Motion 446 Contactpoint 29 November 2007
- That this House notes the announcement by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families of the deferral of the implementation of ContactPoint to allow for an independent assessment of its security procedures by Deloitte and to address the changes to ContactPoint that potential system users have suggested, but regrets that this review will not extend to the design and content of ContactPoint; expresses concern over the safety implications of such a vast database containing potentially sensitive information in the light of security breaches at HM Revenue and Customs; further expresses concerns about the projected costs of ContactPoint; notes the conclusion of the House of Lords Select Committee on Merits of Statutory Instruments that the Government has not conclusively demonstrated that a universal database is a proportionate response to the problem being addressed; and therefore calls upon the Government to reconsider its decision to proceed.
- Daniel Rogerson MP Website
- Daniel Rogerson MP TheyWorkForyou.com
- Daniel Rogerson MP Wikipedia
- Daniel Rogerson MP Liberal Democrats Profile
- 2006-12-18 - Daniel Rodgerson Website - MP alarm at email 'Black hole'
- Author: Daniel Rogerson MP
- Summary: North Cornwall MP, Dan Rogerson today (Monday) urged website operators “theyworkforyou.com ” to make sure email sent through their system from constituents arrives safely with their MP. Constituents who send email to Mr Rogerson through “writetothem.com ”, operated by They Work for You, bounces back with the message “unfortunately, we couldn’t send your message to Daniel Rogerson MP”. The local MP has contacted the website to ask that they forward all email to him at contact@danrogerson.org but so far the operators have failed to respond satisfactorily. ...